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Month: January 2022

Market Report 19th January 2022 Yarding 750 Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on this weeks market. This weeks market was dominated by young cattle and feeder stock due to the abattoir situation. Trade Steers firmed week ranging to $4.40/kg to $5.00kg. Feeder Steers under 500kg ranged to $5.60/kg. Backgrounder Steers 300-400kg ranged to $6.20/kg. […]Continue reading


Market Report 12th January 2022 Yarding 820 Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on this weeks market. All eyes were on this weeks market with a shortage of meat workers being reported around the country. Fortunately the demand held up to deliver a solid market. Trade Steers dipped 30-50c on last week ranging to $4.00/kg […]Continue reading