About Prostock

ProStock Livestock is a locally owned family business and has been operating on the Fleurieu Peninsula and surrounding areas for over 30 years.
ProStock offers a complete service for our clients. Our friendly and helpful team can provide you with all of your livestock needs, making it easier for you. This includes farm management, transport, mustering, buying, selling and equipment hire.
We also run and operate the Southern Livestock Excahnge.
Each week we hold a Cattle Market. Our selling ring is a seated selling area where cattle are weighed at the point of auction and the weights are displayed for the buyer to see.
The Mt Compass Saleyard Complex has support from eight independent selling agents servicing the Fleurieu Peninsula and as far as the West Coast and Mid North areas.
Cattle are drafted and sold as per vendor consignment and all livestock buyers are able to see easily the cattle for sale.
We were the first Saleyard Complex in Australia to introduce under cover dirt floor sale yards. The care and well being of all livestock is a major factor with the under cover roof area giving more comfort to cattle being held for sale. We believe in low stress handling practices.
Each year ProStock aims to transact in excess of 60,000 cattle. We have strived to be a leader in creating and adopting new ideas for the benefit of the animals and the industry.
We also offer hire of portable cattle yards and a portable RPM cattle crush with full head restraint. For ease of loading and unloading cattle ProStock has a double decker loading ramp that allows for better safety for all, within the transport and livestock industry.
A truck wash bay is also available with fully recycled water. Our belief is business and the environment should be able to co-exist and in fact help improve the environment as the business runs. This is a strong belief for the founder, Kym Endersby, who aims to leave the small part of the environment and earth that he controls in better shape than he found it, for future generations to enjoy.
ProStock is always striving to benefit the industry and has a favorable approach to the environment and care of all livestock.