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Author: Michael Lamont

Mount Compass Market Report Yarding: 740 There was a yarding of generally better quality cattle offered by agents. All of the usual buyers were in attendance and bidding was stronger and values lifted on most classes compared with last week’s sale. Export cattle were in demand and local as well as interstate processors bid strongly […]Continue reading


Mount Compass Market Report 22 August 2018 Yarding: 595 There was a smaller yarding of much better quality cattle offered by agents. All of the usual buyers were in attendance and bidding was stronger on most classes of cattle offered after good rains and the added confidence in the future of the season. Heavyweight bulls […]Continue reading


Mount Compass Market Report 8th August Yarding: 800 There was a much smaller, quality yarding of cattle offered by agents. The usual export, trade, feeder and restocker buyers were all in attendance, however not all operated at capacity and bidding was only solid. Heavyweight bulls were in demand, they lifted 5c and sold from 210c/kg [...]Continue reading

Mount Compass Market Report Yarding: 1150 There was a yarding of good quality cattle offered by agents. All of the usual buyers were in attendance and bidding was subdued on most classes of cattle offered. Heavyweight bulls were scarce and processors were keen to secure numbers and prices defied the sale trend. Values lifted and [...]Continue reading

Mount Compass Market Report Yarding: 774 There was a yarding of very good quality cattle offered by agents. All of the usual buyers were in attendance and bidding was strong with values exceeding last week’s sale. Export cattle were in demand and local as well as interstate processors bid strongly to secure numbers. Heavyweight bulls [...]Continue reading

Yarding: 594 There was a yarding of generally good quality cattle offered by agents. All of the usual buyers were in attendance and bidding was solid as values remained on a par with last week’s sale. Export cattle were in demand and local as well as interstate processors bid strongly to secure numbers. Heavyweight bulls […]Continue reading