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Mount Compass Market Report 8th August

Mount Compass Market Report 8th August

Mount Compass Market Report 8th August

Yarding: 800

There was a much smaller, quality yarding of cattle offered by agents.
The usual export, trade, feeder and restocker buyers were all in attendance, however not all operated at capacity and bidding was only solid.
Heavyweight bulls were in demand, they lifted 5c and sold from 210c/kg to 217c/kg, light bulls ranged from 180c to 220c.
Cow numbers were reduced and exporter bidding was solid, heavyweight cows to exporters sold from 210c to 220c, lightweights returned 120c to 170c.
Grown steers and bullocks lifted 10c, they sold from 250c to 285c, Grown heifers followed suit and returned 230c to 255c.
A small selection of vealers sold to solid trade bidding, steers sold up to 300c and heifers returned 245c to 300c.
Yearlings were scarce and quality was good, demand from processors and trade buyers was solid and steers sold to 300c and heifers from 230c to 285c.
A good selection of well bred stores sold to subdued competition, feed-lot demand was easier and restockers were reduced to some speculative competition, prices eased and values ranged from 270 to 280c/kg for the best quality stores liveweight across both sexes.

Click Here For Full Market Analysis


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