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Market Report 11th May 2022

Market Report 11th May 2022

Market Report 11th May 2022

Yarding 620

Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on this weeks market.

No big runs from the north this week, so all local cattle with some from Yorke Peninsula.

Heavy bulls topped at $3.45/kg with most ranging between $3.10/kg to $3.30/kg.

Little bulls went to $5.50/kg and bulls headed to the feedlot went to $4.50/kg.

Good quality cows ranged from $3.70/kg to $3.90/kg and the rest ranged $3.50/kg to $3.70/kg.

Heavy Steers were low in number but ranged up to $4.60/kg and feeder steers ranged to $6.15/kg.

Store Steers <350kg ranged $6.00/kg to $6.30/kg.

Heavy Heifers were also low in number but ranged up to $4.80/kg for a line of Charolais Cross.

Feeder Heifers ranged $5.20/kg to $5.60/kg and Store Heifers ranged $5.50/kg to $6.20/kg.

Ultralight calves were $6.50/kg to $7.00/kg.

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