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Your Livestock. Our Experience.

Welcome to Prostock Central

Prostock Livestock have joined forces with the best agents in the Northern Territory to bring you Prostock Central.

Prostock Central offers livestock services tailored for the Northern Territory. With the strength of Prostock Livestock and the passion of NT local agents we can provide you with all your livestock needs.

End-to-end Service

Prostock are perfectly placed to assist in the whole livestock rearing and sale process. You can expect experience, comfort and ease.

Create a Prostock Buyer or Vendor account to trade with or national network of buyers and clients.


Livestock for Sale

Stud Registered Limousin Bulls

Maximus Kong S6 – Red Limousin Bull. Homozygous Polled, carries two copies of the desirable F94L Gene. Docile and displays a good depth of muscle and length. Mandayen Bloodlines. Rising two year old. Maximus Superman S10 – Black Limousin Bull. Polled and Homozygous Black, carries two copies of the desirable F94L Gene. Docile and quiet. Mandayen, […]Continue reading

Speckle Park Bull


30 Beef X Calves

from $350

Limousin Bulls For Sale

11-15 months old Maryvale Blood Well grown, extremely quiet bred out of large framed Maryvale cows ideal bulls to go over heifers or a few cows $2500-3500

8 Springing Angus Heifers

8 Springing Angus heifers due to calf very soon to an Angus bull. Very quiet , well bred. Very even line. Asking $2950 + gst.

30 Ang/Frs Mixed Sex

30 Ang/Frs Mixed Sex. 3-4 months old. $500