Mount Compass Market Report 12 Sep 2018
Mount Compass Market Report
Yarding: 1207
There was almost double the yarding of mixed cattle offered by agents.
All of the usual buyers were in attendance and bidding was only steady as values remained on a par with last week’s sale.
Heavyweight bulls eased 5c and sold from 195c to 212c/kg, lightweights sold to similar demand and returned 190c to 227c.
Cow numbers were up on last week and heavyweight beef breed cows remained firm, they sold from 197c to 230c, lightweights sold from 130 to 189c and dairy bred cows returned vendors up to 210/kg.
Heavyweight steers and bullocks were in demand, prices remained firm and they sold from 235 to 295c. Grown heifers remained firm at best and sold from 211 to 270c.
More vealers were yarded, trade buyers were very keen to secure any prime lots, bidding over all was restrained, prices eased on strong recent sales and vendors returned prices from 285 to 311c for steers and 264 to 305c for heifers.
Prime yearlings were more plentiful. Steers sold from 250 to 305c and heifers returned 230 to 290c.
A good run of, generally well bred, store condition, lightweight cattle sold to easing bidding from feeders and restockers at prices cheaper than recent sales. Two major processors were the major buyers, they sourced cattle to go in to feed lots and there was some local restocker interest on lightweight cattle to feed on in the paddock.