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Year: 2021

Market Report 15th December 2021 Yarding 1398 Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on a firm market. This was the last market for 2021. Our first market for 2022 will be 5th January. Trade Steers ranged to $4.30/kg to $4.80kg with export/heavy steers ranging $3.80/kg to $4.20. Feeder Steers were strong $4.80/kg to to $5.65/kg […]Continue reading


Market Report 8th December 2021 Yarding 1280 Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on a firm market. Trade Steers ranged to $4.40/kg to $4.65kg with export/heavy steers ranging $3.80/kg to $4.30. Feeder Steers were strong $5.30/kg to to $5.75/kg with the light feeders ranging $5.60/kg to $6.00/kg. Backgrounder Steers ranged $5.80/kg to $6.50/kg under the […]Continue reading


Market Report 1st December 2021 Yarding 1074 Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on a firm to strong market. Heavy Steers ranged to $4.00/kg to $4.80/kg with heifers about 10c – 15c behind them. Feeder Steers were strong $5.60/kg to to $5.70/kg for Angus with coloureds ranging $5.000/kg to $5.40/kg. Steers 300-350kg ranged $6.00/kg to […]Continue reading


Market Report 24th November 2021 Yarding 933 Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on a very good quality yarding. Trade Steers ranged to $4.40/kg to $4.80/kg with heifers about 10c behind them. Feeder Steers $5.20/kg to to $5.80/kg with lighter steers ranging $5.70/kg to $6.20/kg. Very Light Steers under 180kg were $7.00/kg to $8.00/kg. Feeder […]Continue reading


Market Report 17th November 2021 Yarding 734 Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on a ver good quality yarding. Heavy Steers ranged to $4.20/kg to $4.30/kg with a few hitting $4.75. Feeder Steers $5.20/kg to to $5.60/kg with lighter steers ranging $5.80/kg to $6.50/kg. Very Light Steers were over $7.00/kg. Heavy heifers ranged $4.20/kg to […]Continue reading


Market Report 10th November 2021 Yarding 1067 Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on a good solid yarding with some big lines. Heavy Steers ranged to $4.40/kg to $4.50/kg with a few hitting $4.75. Feeder Steers $5.60/kg to to $5.70/kg for Angus with coloureds ranging $5.20/kg to $5.30/kg. Plenty of Vealers ranging $5.30/kg to $5.50/kg. […]Continue reading


Market Report 3rd November 2021 Yarding 817 Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on a slightly softer market. Bullocks ranged to $4.40/kg to $4.60/kg. There were very few Feeder Steers to report on but a few good lines fetched up to $5.40/kg. Restockers bucked the trend with Light Steers ranging from$6.20/kg to $7.20/kg. Light Heifers […]Continue reading


Market Report 27th October 2021 Yarding 1069 Ben Dohnt from CIAA Reports on a market that stayed firm. Trade Steers ranged to $3.59/kg to $4.60/kg with Heifers trading $3.91/kg to $4.55/kg. Medium Steers were $3.80/kg to $5.75/kg with Heifers $3.81/kg to $ 4.43/kg. Light Store Steers fetched up to $7.20/kg with heifers trading to $6.79/kg. […]Continue reading


Market Report 20th October 2021 Yarding 863 Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock Reports on a good quality market that stayed firm. Heavy Steers ranged to $4.50/kg to $4.80/kg with Heifers trading about 10c less. Feeder Angus cattle were $4.40/kg to $5.80/kg. Light Store Steers fetched up to $7.50/kg with heifers trading about 20c less. Heavy […]Continue reading


Market Report 13th October 2021 Yarding 888 Daniel Sugars from Prostock Livestock Reports on a generally firm market this week with Store Cattle slightly up. Heavy Steers ranged  to $4.60/kg with trade Steers $5.00/kg to $5.60/kg. Heavy Heifers ranged from $4.40/kg to $4.60/kg. Feeder Cattle were $5.60/kg to $5.80/kg. Light Store Steers fetched up to […]Continue reading