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Category: Livestock News

Market Report 30th March 2022 Yarding 838 Scott Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on this weeks market. A good quality yarding with good demand. Bulls 500+kg averaged $3.49/kg. Cows 600+kg went up to $3.85/kg average $3.45/kg while manufacturing cows ranged $3.20/kg to $3.80/kg. Feeder Steers 250-500kg ranged $5.80/kg to $6.15/kg averaging $5.61/kg. Restocker steers 200kg […]Continue reading


Market Report 30th March 2022 Yarding 1205 Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on this weeks market. Bulls ranged $3.00/kg to $3.35/kg. Paddock Bulls ranging $4.00 – $5.50/kg. Cows were either very good or very poor this week, not much in the middle Very good quality cows ranging $3.60/kg to $3.90/kg with poorer quality paddock […]Continue reading


Market Report 23rd March 2022 Yarding 668 Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on this weeks market. Generally stronger market this week gaining 5-15c in many areas. Bulls were firm ranging $3.00/kg to $3.30/kg. Paddock Bulls were hard to find ranging $4.00 – $5.00/kg. Cows were 10c to 15c up, went to $3.88/kg. with most […]Continue reading


Market Report 16th March 2022 Yarding 444 Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on this weeks market. A good quality yarding with prices firming. Bulls were 20c up ranging $3.20/kg to $3.30/kg. Light Bulls wer around $6.50/kg. Cows were 10c to 20c up, went to $3.80/kg. with most ranging $3.30/kg to $3.40/kg. Trade/Export steers gained […]Continue reading


Market Report 2nd March 2022 Yarding 847 Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on this weeks market. A good quality yarding similar to last week. Heavy Cows 10c up, went to $3.80/kg. Good beef ranged $3.50/kg to $3.70/kg. Lighter Cows ranged $3.00/kg to $3.30/kg and the extra light and dairy were $2.40/kg to $3.00/kg Heavy […]Continue reading


Market Report 23rd February 2022 Yarding 1146 Scott Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on this weeks market. A good quality yarding, firm on last week with stores up. Heavy Cows went to $3.57/kg. 5-600kg averaged $3.22/kg, over 600kg averaged $3.11/kg Young Angus cattle 250-300kg went to $7.20/kg averaging $6.80/kg Under 200kg went over $9.00/kg Feeder […]Continue reading


Market Report 16th February 2022 Yarding 935 Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on this weeks market. Trade Steers ranged to $4.67kg. Feeder Steers ranged from $5.0/kg to $5.90/kg. Lighter steers trading $6.00/kg to $6.50/kg. Trade Heifers ranged mainly $4.20/kg to $4.30/kg. Feeder Heifers were $4.80/kg to $5.60/kg Heifers under 250 ranged $6.00/kg to $6.50/kg. […]Continue reading


Market Report 9th February 2022 Yarding 1051 Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on this weeks market. This weeks market was a good quality yarding and was firm to 20c better. Trade Steers ranged from $4.30/kg to $4.60kg. Feeder Steers 4-500kg ranged to $5.96/kg and 3-400kg to $6.20/kg. Lighter steers trading $6.00/kg to $7.00/kg. Trade […]Continue reading


Market Report 2nd February 2022 Yarding 1216 Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on this weeks market. This weeks market was a good quality yarding and was firm on our last market 2 weeks ago. Trade Steers ranged from $4.40/kg to $4.60kg and Feeder Steers ranged $5.40/kg to $5.60/kg. Backgrounder Steers 300-400kg ranged to $5.80/kg. […]Continue reading


Market Report 19th January 2022 Yarding 750 Clint Endersby from Prostock Livestock reports on this weeks market. This weeks market was dominated by young cattle and feeder stock due to the abattoir situation. Trade Steers firmed week ranging to $4.40/kg to $5.00kg. Feeder Steers under 500kg ranged to $5.60/kg. Backgrounder Steers 300-400kg ranged to $6.20/kg. […]Continue reading